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Federal Contracts and Procurement Vehicles
If your organization is interested in ordering a product solution, building a prototype, or licensing a technology from Hypatia, please call 571-346-7612 for consultation and sales. Hypatia’s product team specializes in the infrastructure and software solutions for the "new stack" powering cloud computing. As the use of cloud has grown, open source projects and as-a-Service technologies are replacing legacy systems, making it affordable and efficient for all organizations to achieve digital transformation objectives.
We will help you steward your data, apply artificial intelligence, and use blockchain protocols to address your organization’s business challenges. Our experienced cloud architects, software engineers, AI developers, scientific computing experts, data scientists, white hats, cybersecurity analysts and domain experts are ready to help.
To assist USG contracting officers with procurement requirements, Hypatia prepares an annual notice of ordering information and regulatory compliance. Hypatia’s 2021 Notice for USG procurement officials can be found here. To serve our public sector customers, Hypatia has been awarded numerous government procurement mechanisms as PRIME. These contracting vehicles, joint venture partnerships, and Other Transaction Authorities (OTAs) include:
Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) Federal Contracting Program, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) PRIME
Data Innovation Joint Venture Partner, Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service (NTIS) PRIME
Software Development Open System Acquisition Initiative (OSAI), Air Force Research Lab Command, Control, Communications, and Cyber, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) PRIME
Air Force Supply Chain Consortium Initiative (SCCI) PRIME
Center for Advanced Real Time Analytics (CARTA) of National Science Foundation PRE-COMPETITIVE INDUSTRY SPONSOR
Consortium for Command, Control and Communications in Cyberspace (C5) PRIME
Consortium for Energy, Environmental, and Demilitarization (CEED) PRIME
Cyber Operations Broad Responsive Agreement (COBRA) for Defensive Cyber Prototypes (US Army Defensive Cyber Operations) PRIME
Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium (MTEC) of The Department of Defense PRIME
Sensors, Communications, and Electronics Consortium (SCEC) PRIME
The System of Systems Consortium (SOSSEC) PRIME
US Army Engineer, Research and Development Center (ERDC) PRIME
CIO-SP3 SB Contract of the National Institutes of Health Information Technology Acquisition and Assessment Center (NITAAC) CITI TEAM
Health and Human Services (HHS) Program Support Center (PSC) Intelligent Automation/Artificial Intelligence (IAAI) SUB
GSA Federal Supply Schedule Contract IT 70 - Special Item Number 132-56 DISTRIBUTOR